Monday, 28 September 2009
137 questions!
That's 137 questions written and asked in one week. Phew. Just need to ask one more set and I can go back to normal. (Whatever that is)
I already host at Double Standards on a Sunday, and at EyeQ on Tuesdays and Thursdays, which usually means I write about 72 questions a week. (give or take the odd bonus and the odd question I decide I don't like on the day). So what happened this week.
Well once a month I co host at Moysies with Ana. I originally set this trivia up with Moysie with the words 'You're hosting trivia starting next Monday. I'm putting the money up and asking the questions so you just turn up.' Or something very like that. At the time it co-incided with an increase in my other hosting duties so I decided to enrol some help. One person stood out for me and was the only one I considered asking and that was Ana. Originally the plan was to take it in turns to host every other week, but it soon turned in to Ana's event, and boy has she made it her own. I always knew she'd be a great host and she is - and Analytical trivia is now well established on the trivia map, with her own inimitable style. Just don't even attempt to read her rules! Once a month we get together and ask 15 questions each. One of us will have a theme - this week Ana is asking 15 questions about numbers in films - and the other person links their questions in with these.
This month was the first month I think, were I couldn't use the answers to Ana's questions to link mine too. She was doing even numbers, so I had to try to write my questions based solely on her questions, without giving any clues to what the film or theme of the quote might be. When I eventually worked out which words to pick it was relatively easy and I only needed to alter 2 questions which Ana felt might give too much of a clue to hers. (And ok I had to alter one which I'd missed a word out of and in doing so made the answer completely, totally and utterly wrong).
I like doing these themed events with Ana, not only because it's good to host with a friend, but because it provides a small challenge to the question writing too. So for this week that added an extra 15 questions on to my total - so we're up to 87.
I'd also offered to give Lucki a break at Demented Souls. She was originally planning to be away and needed someone to cover, but in the end she didn't go. She still thought she'd like a week off, so I offered to help out.
Demented Souls do word games on a Saturday night, and are a constant source of my hyterics every weekend. (Not just mine either - there's a lot of tears rolling down cheeks as we laugh at some of the things we come up with)
The first half of the evening is called Tribonds. We're given 3 words and we have to find the word that connects them. eg Bean - Mug - Ground. The common word would be Coffee. What usually happens is we pick one word and shout out whatever comes to mind, and needless to say we get copped out with some very silly (and often naughty) answers too. The 2nd half is something called Madgabs. We're given a common saying which has been slightly altered and we have to make sense of it. Did I say 'make sense'? eg 'Prayers eye don't' would become President. (It helps it you take your glasses off, smush your face and have several drinks) These have been responsible for some amazing typos (tasyour earfpooof) and we're quite good at re smushing the words to come up with some very obscure sayings too.
Now I can't write Madgabs so I did something different - Ditloids. Those familiar with Lotus' blog will know that these are what she originally had on there. (365 DIAY - 365 days in a year). My dad's been writing these for a long time now, so it seemed logical that I should try these on the poor unsuspecting Demented lot. Just one word of warning. When writing these - make sure you don't just write down the ditloid. Make sure you put what it is - I've still got some I can't remember what they were.
I was nervous as I always am when I host a different event, but the crowd there are always very friendly and great fun, and apart from the fact that Lucki was there heckling me about my English words (I'm English! get over it!) I think they enjoyed themselves. They certainly did well with the Ditloids, which I thought were quite hard. Whether I'll host here again remains to be seen. If Lucki needs a break and they want me back then I'm sure I'll be there.
And that's the other 50 questions. Total 137 for the week. And, yeah, Ok I slightly got a couple not quite right, but is that hardly surprising?
Now - I'm off to a dark room for a lie down with no books or encyclopeadias or ..... oh wait? Tuesday's Alphabet is J! And I'm doing CBA with Lotus next week! Guess I better get going again.
Wednesday, 23 September 2009
Bucc Bowl
Bucc Bowl - September.
As always Trumpton were there. This time we didn't have the usual 'have we got a whole team and will we all be there' panic that we always seem to have. Ana, Mael and I are well established enough to know now that we will be there (though all thanks to Mael's isp for giving me heart failure the day before!), and Liri is the 4th member we knew she would be - reliable and smart.
The venue changed on the day to Monochrome. Apparently the sim we usually use was sold, so Jez stepped in at the last minute. I never really took much notice, but a lot of comments were made about the lack of lag, and I have to agree that lagwise, things did seem to be vastly improved.
The previous Thursday I'd asked questions about the lette Q, and partway through it was pointed out that I should have been wearing my Q Bert av, so I decided to unpack him and check his ARC. He's only 142 so I went off to BB as a big orange blob. I'll post the photo when I can - you can't miss me. Unfortunately I also felt particularly yucky, so I knew I wasn't going to be much competition.
I'd upgraded my broadband package that week to increase my speed (which apparently is still well below everyone elses, but certainly makes things quicker for me) and technologically I was ready. Mael had made the observation that I could be wrong faster, and he wasn't wrong. This was one of those events where I just stood there watching the questions and answers fly up the screen with a bemused 'huh'. I think I knew 3 or 4 answers, but such was my RL physical state that my brain just didn't respond. The only one I managed to score on was something like 'Drooppppeh thead deeadddd doonkeyy' - or some such garbled nonsense like that - the chat log is on my other laptop. I got this one in before the other Brits (Lotus and Mael) and that was my scoring for the day. But, at least I got on the board. Liri and Mael both managed to score on a couple of questions, but the star of the day was undoubtedly Ana! She was on fire, and by my calculations was the individual top scorer on the day. Thanks to her we got the the final round in2nd place behind the Triviators, and thanks to all the other team members we actually got a bonus.
If we got the bonus we'd still have been 2nd, but the gap between us would have been small. Unfortunately due to group im's flustering me at the last minute, and the fact that I still felt pretty yucky, I typed too soon, and we got it wrong. Ana did get the 2nd part of the answer but I jumped the gun. Oops - and no one mention the Daily Mail! As it didn't make any difference to our position in the game I wasn't lynched by the team.
The competition seemed a lot better this time round, and new team Zen and the Koans, came 3rd. Apparently their trick to Zen relaxation was to discuss which team member had the best butt. And we know that if we all perform well on the day we can take the Triviators! We were so close! Triviators even had a round where they didn't score - shame. (hehe) We've had that. It sucks but it's all about the questions on the day, so I guess we'll all have that at some time.
Now if I can connect my brain to my new broadband speed for the next one, and if I actually know some answers, then maybe next time I'll be part of the new team Champions. We've done it before we can do it again. And Triviators- we're getting closer.
Next time I may not be quite so orange though. All thanks as usual to Lette, Thorn and Lillian who put a lot of work in to the event.
Friday, 18 September 2009
No longer a Noob

Early Cully before she had a makeover
I started in SL on 31 August 2008, as a quiet little av (Yes really!) who just stood around trying to work out how to move. Well I've worked out how to move, and even managed to get colour in to SL. When I started I avoided any form of contact - I was so shy I didn't know what to say to anyone. Now, 12 months later, I host 3 times a week, and once a month with Ana, (And possibly at time of writing with Lotus too), and I manage the Mall at Double Standards. I also have 2 places to live - one by the sea and one in the country. I've got some great friends, and a great bf too! It's been quite a year. I thought I'd take the opportunity to look back over the last 12 months at some of the things that stand out in my memory.
1 - Demented Saturdays
Demented Souls have word games on a Saturday night, and more than once I've ended up crying with laughter - and I know I'm not the only one. It's just completely mad! The section called Madgabs involves trying to make sense of a garbled saying. This brings out the inner typoist in me (yes even worse than normal) and some of my answers have just left me giggling uncontrollably. Earfpooof I've been reliably informed will never be beaten as the worst typo ever though my version of the Queen of England ended up as a Japanese banker.(Someone actually googled my answer and that's what they got. Wewung - check it out lol)
Demented is our usual weekend wind down place to go simply because you're guaranteed a good laugh in good company.
2 -THAT bus ride!
Anyone who was at Sharons that fateful day will know exactly what I mean - I'm sure we all still share the emotional (and possibly physical scars). For those who werent there - very wise!

Sharon decided to host her trivia while taking us on a bus ride. What she failed to tell us is she can't drive a bus! After several people fell out along the way, (including me) Sharon finally crashed the thing with us all still on it. I think this was the first time in SL that I had tears of laughter rolling down my face, and it's certainly still something which is remembered at the Diner (usually accompanied by a facial tic).
That was a fun day - thanks Shaz.
3 - The Day I fell 3000m
I've blogged this, but is was so funny it still stands out. I was wearing a swimming costume, roller skates, a snorkel and carrying a lemming gun. And I fell from the sky to land on our neighbours banlines. These acted as a trampoline. After a few minutes trying to breath I worked out that if I jumped forward I could get back on to our land. So I did - and landed on the house, then slide down the side. To make matters worse, I then continued to attack Mael with my lemming gun.

Word of advice. NEVER fire a lemming gun while wearing roller skates. The force sent me backwards, through a hedge and halfway across the next parcel. This started as a simple day sorting out inventory, and ended up as one of the funniest days I 've had.
4 - The Lemmings
Hosting at Double Standards is not without it's risks. You're guaranteed all kinds of madness and the day of the lemmings was just that. I was feeling particularly down in the dumps, and I really wasn't looking forward to putting a smile on my face to go and host, but I did. At half time I noticed Cinna and Devin moving around. Next thing I was joined on stage by 2 lifesize dancing lemmings! Needless to say I cheered up no end, and thoroughly enjoyed the rest of the event. This is why Double Standards is my second home - the people are totally crazy but they all look after each other too.

I'm looking forward to the next 12 months there now I'm Mall Manager and I get to organise events.
5 - I'm gooin modellin'

I have so many other good memories to look back on too - winning Bucc Bowl, Smartastermind, fishing, exploring (there are some pretty amazing sights) the first time I logged on with my new laptop and saw SL in colour, buying our new house - the list is pretty endless.
Club Melodi gave me the chance to start off Alphabet Trivia. I also made a few more good friends here too. The trivia lives on (with lots of alphabet preguessing mania) but Melodi is no more. It was fun to be part of it.
I've dressed up as all sorts of things from a tiny hamster, to an Indian - to Qbert! This av has to be the most peculiar prize I ever won.
What makes SL though is the people, and I've got some great friends on my list. I'm looking forward to getting to know some of the new additions a lot better too. There are 4 people who really matter to me (not counting my main man:). You all know who you are and SL wouldn't be the same without you. I never thought I'd meet anyone like Mael either (Yes I know) but he makes everyday here just that little bit more special.
I leave my first 12 months after quite an adventure, and with lots to look forward to. I wonder where I'll be in another 12 months:)