Finally it’s here! Double Standards is now situated on a brand new sim all it’s own! The first event took place on Friday, when Devin’s trivia welcomed all the regular faces, and some new ones to the grand opening. And we have some great events lined up for it too – read on for a very exciting one coming soon!

The 7 Seas fishing area - with a brand new lake and watefall. And tucked behind the waterfall is a cosy cuddle cave.
The trivia area with the fire and rugs that make us feel at home, and a brand new stage area for future events.
Just over a bridge is the games area, with the Greedy Greedy table, SLolopoy, Frootcake, On a Roll and Selbyword. And tucked in the corner is another cosy cave for - well - getting cosy.
The mall’s a lot bigger so hopefully a lot more stores for you to choose from as well. All in all – the place is much better and more pleasant – hope everone else thinks so too.
And we’re kicking off with a major event on the 7th and 8th November – a 24 hour charity Triviathon!
This will be 24 hours of non stop hosted trivia (none of those machines) and we’ll be raising money for Relay For Life. At the time of writing we’ve got some great hosts lined up including Lou with Lou’s Clues, Chad and Shale with their Zoo Bar trivia, Thorny trivia, Chaos, Nellotus, Mags with her Wheel of Fortune (or Misfortune ) and an Alphabet Smart ass special. We’ve also got Ana, Trai, Humm and Chad. We do have a few more slots left if anyone else wants to help out and host an event. We’re also hoping to get a couple of sponsors. This should be a fun event for everyone, and we also hope it will introduce some new faces to the world of trivia. It should provide a good showcase for all hosts and we hope a lot of fun for those who take part. Humm’s also working on a prize for anyone who manages to attend the full 24 hours.
More details and a full line up will be announced nearer the time, but we hope to see new and old faces there to have some fun, and of course we’d like to raise as much as we can for Relay For Life.
Watch this space:)
Cully - let me be among the first to wish you, Humm and all the DS team both congratulations on your new home, and both happiness and success with your new adventures.