Right after I started as Mall Manager, I was approached, very cautiously, by someone I’d met at Demented Souls. I was about to log off one night, and Angelo asked if I might be interested in hosting at his new club. He put it slightly more politely, but basically I’ve got a big gob, and he wanted me to use it! I can do that.
My first night was a Wednesday, and I soon found out that the people there are very friendly and out to have fun. It wasn’t long (a whole week in fact) before we were organising our first trivia event. I wanted to make it a little different so I decided on alphabet trivia – each week all the answers will start with the same letter of the alphabet.

Me, (right) and Angelo (left) strutting our stuff with 2 party goers
I arrived on the Tuesday ready to spam away, only to find that group chat was well and truly and utterly borked! I don’t have rights to send notices on any group either. I wasn’t bothered for me, but I did want Angelo to have a few people down, so I was a little peeved shall we say. Thankfully Lotus is able to send notices, and she put one out over Sharons for me, and we did get a few people turning up. Lette arrived part way through, and I plucked up the courage to ask her to send one on Bucc bowl for me as well, and Josh picked this up and sent one on Trivia Fiends too. This is the kind of thing that makes you feel good about SL – the people. Thank you both for that. We ended up with a great crowd, all shouting out words beginning with A, and, I hope, having a great time. Angelo had lined up artists beginning with A, but in typical SL style, the stream kept breaking up, so he had to hand over to another DJ, who kept things going so smoothly no one really noticed the change.
For some reason the next letter was going to be S. The following Tuesday - oh what fun we had! We started off OK – the crowd arrived ready for fun, and answers were flowing. We got to half time, and Angelo did his new interval trivia – guess the artist. Then everything went grey, and off I went. I tried to log back in, and I got my favourite message – you are still being logged out so tough luck! I logged my alt in to try to get a message to anyone who was there, and quickly sent an e mail to Angelo. This was when I found out we all seem to have gone together. After a few minutes I got back but couldn’t tp. I got back to the club using the map, and then just stood there like a lemon. I couldn’t move, and everything I typed in to chat just disappeared. Now I know I talk utter nonsense, but as the one asking the questions, it’s a good idea to be heard. It felt like somebody had poured a barrel of treacle in to the Linden servers, and I was trying to wade my way (very unsuccessfully) through it. I didn’t want to log off again, but I had no choice. I managed to log back on and used the map to tp. After a slow start things rezzed, I could move, I could talk – we were off! Angelo was back – although I gather the music never stopped, and very slowly those who’d crashed with us all returned. A little shell shocked, but we all survived. Nice try Linden labs – but we’re born survivors!
Half an hour late – but we finally got the 2nd half underway – and a great big thank you to all of those who stopped and to those who came back! (Ok I understand one or 2 couldn’t tp away anyway, but thanks all the same;)

The survivors returned one by one and carried on regardless.
I’d like to think we broke the sim, but in all honesty this was good old Second Life doing what it does best – screwing us around. I’d heard people all day complaining that they quite simply couldn’t move, and things just weren’t right, and I think it was finally time for our sim to have it’s share. Be warned – this was exactly how it started the day SL broke – so we could well be headed for another day offline.
Starting next week, we will be doing Tuesdays and Thursdays. Tuesday will be alphabet trivia, and Thursdays will be general knowledge, but paying first and second. Angelo will be doing his breaktime tunes, and let’s hope SL will do it’s best to leave us alone to have fun! This is a great club, with a great atmosphere, and I’m taking no credit whatsoever for anyone enjoying themselves. Angelo is a great DJ, and he and his hosts know how to make people feel welcome, and give them a good time. Me, I just shout out questions. I’m glad Angelo asked me to host – so far this has been a lot of fun for me.
Now, here’s a test to see who reads this blog. Over the last 2 weeks you’ve all shouted out lots of words beginning with A and now S. So far, not one of them has been one of the answers to any of the questions. So – starting this Tuesday (it’s R) – if any of the preguesses are any of the answers on my card (and as long as the question hasn’t already been asked) I will pay 10L. I also suspect that if anyone does preguess, then they will then keep guessing that word until they get it right.
Club Melodi is a great club, open Monday to Friday 11am – 5pm SLT. You’re always guaranteed a friendly welcome and good music with a nice group of people.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to have you onboard - even if you can now add "Simkiller" to your list of honorary titles:-) Admittedly, as the DJ, I'm terrified of the day you blithely tell me "it's "X" next week" - I think that's the week I learn how to delegate.
Love ya, Motormouth