A lot has happened in the last few weeks.
I decided to try my hand at something new after posing for a few photos for Humm, so I thought I'd try my hand at modelling. I never intended to take it seriously, as if I could, so I when I got accepted to an agency, I was happy to stay with that rather than apply to every other agency as well. By the end of the week, I was with 2 agencies, and I'd already learned just how hard some people work at being a SL model.
The first thing I learned is that, in SL as in RL, you have to be a 10 foot beanpole to model. No tits. No bum. Just straight. My av's 5' 9", definitely has the former, and also has the latter too. In other words - I'd need a complete makeover. Well Ok, in SL that's pretty easy, and as some designers require different looks it wasn't too much of a problem. I never quite worked out why I got chosen though, if I was too short, with tits and an arse that needed to be flattened.
The next thing I learned is that walking a catwalk isn't maybe as easy as you think. The first one I had to practice on had circular walks, and when they opened up they went back on themselves. Not easy, but I didn't fall off. The second one I practiced on had invisible walls. But for the others telling me, and telling me how to see them, I'd have probably spent the entire evening simply trying to get on it.
I also attended a couple of classes, and I did pick up a few tips which may help me as I go round Second Life. And I found out about various gadgets too. I mean, who knew I needed a boot fixer! Seriously, if you don't have one - you need it! I wear it all the time now. Face lighters aren't maybe quite as useful - they tend to light up your boobs rather than your face, and mine don't need anything to help you see them thank you:)
Me trying to look intelligent in my class
Models also learn how to make their own AO's. This is something I wish I'd found out about, but I didn't stop long enough. For those who succeed in SL modelling it's a full time job, and only the dedicated and intelligent will make it. They attend classes, practices and castings, and then have the stresses and strains of the show itself. Well, I say stresses and strains.................One of the first things I was told about was the shows themselves. These are apparently extremely laggy, and it's not uncommon to see models walking off over the audience, only to suddenly whack back in to place, right in to the model behind them. I was told about one show where invisible walls were not in place, and the models kept falling off and landing in the swimming pool. The lady who told me had the right attitude, and she said she was sittting at her computer with tears of laughter rolling down her cheeks, as I would have had if it had been me. Some, I understand, were more than a little upset.
Me showing off some of the things I learned
I have to say, that like other areas of SL, it also has it's Diva's. The ones who've done a few things and think they're better than everyone else. I'm saying nothing - but just because my arse it too close to the ground - it doesn't make anyone better than me.
The one thing that really got to me, was that I would need to make my profile more grown up and serious. No chance! I love having my funny photos on there, and I'm proud of my typo I've got on there too! I would have done all this though, but for a change in circumstances, which meant I'd be working all the time on SL, so something had to go. For me the choice was pretty easy. Humm offered me the job as Mall Manager at Double Standards, and a few days later Angelo asked me to host at his new club. Now taking incessantly is something I do well ( which is why I was asked ), and nagging people I do pretty well too. So in order to get myself some time for me, the modelling had to go.
It was interesting to see a different slice of SL, and I've certainly got a new found respect for some of those who make it as models. I wish the owners of both the agencies I was with well for the future - I'm sure they'll both do very well.Now - who wants to see this boot fixer! Trust me - you need it!!
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