Saturday 16th May, and time for the Buccaneer Bowl again. For anyone who may not know, this is a team trivia event, and it's definitely not for the faint hearted.
It consists of teams of 3-4 players competing against each other, and is run by Lette, Thorn and Lillian. It attracts the best trivia players on Second Life, and people like me too.
My team is called Trumpton Trivia, and consists of myself, Mael, Ana, and Stiggs. We got the name because originally we were 3 Brits, and we wanted something to reflect that. When Stiggs joined us for the 2nd Bucc Bowl, he had to go and find out why he had a group tag calling him fireman Cuthbert.

Trumpton trivia getting ready for the May challenge
Now I don't put myself in the upper league of trivia. I'm more sort of way down the middle. I'm not intellectual, so I'm not going to be able to answer quite a few questions, and my knowledge is 'general' to say the least. So I know I'm never going to be 'up there' in the Bucc Bowl. It was clear from the start though that I was going to struggle on this one.
The first few questions left me staring at the screen. I just didn't have a clue. The questions I did know, all appeared on my screen at the same time as 10 other answers, so there didn't seem much point in adding my answer. I figured then that if I managed to get top 3 on anything I'd be doing well. I've always know I don't have the fastest fingers, but based on this, I certainly don't have a particularly quick broadband speed either.
By round 4 we'd accumulated, well, nothing. I think I'd managed to get a 2nd or 3rd for a well mashed 'Fonda' which I copied from someone and I think we all thought we'd be going home empty handed.
Then we seemed to pick up speed. In the next 2 rounds, we pulled together as a team and we all got a top 3 answer in. The one I'm most proud of is my first place on the British Prime Ministers question! I never expect, hope, or imagine that I am quick enough to get 1st, so I'm over the moon at this. After these rounds we did thankfully manage to go home with some money, and came home in 6th place.
The Triviators held on to their crown again. They are a good team, but they also have some of the quickest fingers, and I rather suspect some of the quickest internet connections too. I know my connection speed isn't fantastic, but it was clear from saturday that my internet, my brain and my fingers leave a lot to be desired!
As always this was a well planned event, and thanks go to the organisers for it. It can be somewhat disheartening not to be able to even have an educated guess sometimes, and even more so when you don't even get the chance to type an answer because 10 people got there at the same time as the question, but for me little victories like my first place make it all worth while. I knew a few others too, but until my fingers get faster or my town gets faster internet speeds, then I will have to content myself with reading everyone elses answers. But then - there's always next month.................
For some reason the first bit was the same for me... not a clue on almost every question. I guess that happens once in a while it's just annoying at a big event :(