Due to an RL injury certain events are out for me at the moment, so I am looking at new ways to fill my time.
Much as I’d love to go to the trivia events for the fun of it, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from talking part, and that would just prolong the agony. So I’ve taken to entering fishing contests. These contest are pure luck, and some of the contests are nail biting affairs. I just came 3rd in one which could have gone to anyone. These are not only fun but, as I wander round the different areas, it once again shows the imagination of the people on here, as no 2 are alike. These are just some of the ones I have found.
Much as I’d love to go to the trivia events for the fun of it, I know I wouldn’t be able to stop myself from talking part, and that would just prolong the agony. So I’ve taken to entering fishing contests. These contest are pure luck, and some of the contests are nail biting affairs. I just came 3rd in one which could have gone to anyone. These are not only fun but, as I wander round the different areas, it once again shows the imagination of the people on here, as no 2 are alike. These are just some of the ones I have found.
One of the first fishing places I found was a place called Hedonism. This has regular fishing contests and as far as I can tell there are always people down there fishing by the sea. The fishing area itself is set up along the seafront, but right next to it is a dance floor, and they have a trivia ball rolling 24/7 too. What makes this stand out for me, is that they’ve built the area at the bottom of a live volcano. This has a constant stream of lava and every know and then it has a full eruption too. The atmosphere is very friendly, and relaxing, and it’s a nice place to visit.

The fishing area at Hedonism

I’ve also been to a couple of contests at a place called Seagull. This is smaller than hedonism, and although by the sea, it’s set back slightly, and the fishing are itself is a big pool. This contest gets a lot of people to it, and it’s not surprising when you can sit and relax next to waves crashing against the rocks.
The wave crashing on the rocks behind the fishing area at Seagull
One of the weirdest fishing areas I’ve found, and also one of the nicest is a space one. It’s 1200m in the air at a place called The Lunareactor. The first time I went to it, I thought I was in the wrong place. I was obviously looking for sea, and I ended up in space. Once I’d fully rezzed, I realised I was on a fishing planet, with comets or asteroids floating around the pool. Everyone sits in the air to fish. The customs here are pretty neat too, as you can see from this space age man I caught.

One of the great customs you can catch there
While some of you may not be the slightest bit interested in fishing, these places do highlight the imagination of the people on SL and the different landscapes you can encounter. All these places serve the same function, yet the styles vary considerably.
So the next few weeks I’ll be drifting around SL more, looking for new things. If you see me at a trivia event - then that’s my one treat of the day. And make the most of the peace and quiet while you can!
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