This is what happened to me when Mael was putting the finishing touches to the outside of our house. I didn't walk in to this like you do at sim boundaries, I actually walked across this - and then I sank!

On another occasion I went to see Moysie for one of our regular chats. He was just reorganising the place for the trivia events, and at the same time he had a couple of new machines. We discussed the best place to put these so that they would be out of the way, and I just told him to leave them in the middle, I'd sit on them to host. So, what do you do if someone mentions sitting on something? You sit on it. And he did - or at least that's what he tried to do.
It's also apparently, quite hazardous to simply change your clothes. We all know the dangers of trying to do this in public anyway. I'm sure most of us have accidentally ended up naked because we hit the wrong button, or SL refused to rez our clothes. Well this photo shows what can happen if you simply try to change your boots. By the way, if anyone finds a foot - it's mine!

This one isn't of me, but it also shows the dangers of laughing on Second Life. Apparently it really is possible to laugh your head off.
And finally, at least for now, this has to be my favourite. This has happened to me once before but I didn't get a chance to take a photo. All I can say is thank goodness this is a virtual World - not the real one!

These are the kind if things that make me laugh no matter what mood I'm in. I'm quite sure I'll be posting more of these photos soon:)
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